Returns a list of all new orders.
Array of objects (OrderNew) |
{- "orders": [
- {
- "address": {
- "fullAddress": "Chelyabinsk Region, Chelyabinsk, 51st Arabkir Street, Building 10A, Apartment 42",
- "province": "",
- "area": "",
- "city": "",
- "street": "",
- "home": "",
- "flat": "",
- "entrance": "",
- "longitude": 44.519068,
- "latitude": 40.20192
}, - "ddate": "17.05.2024",
- "salePrice": 504600,
- "dTimeFrom": "15:00",
- "dTimeTo": "16:00",
- "requiredMeta": [
- "uin"
], - "deliveryType": "dbs",
- "comment": "Упакуйте в плёнку, пожалуйста",
- "scanPrice": null,
- "orderUid": "165918930_629fbc924b984618a44354475ca58675",
- "article": "one-ring-7548",
- "colorCode": "RAL 3017",
- "rid": "f884001e44e511edb8780242ac120002",
- "createdAt": "2022-05-04T07:56:29Z",
- "offices": [
- "Калуга"
], - "skus": [
- "6665956397512"
], - "id": 13833711,
- "warehouseId": 658434,
- "nmId": 123456789,
- "chrtId": 987654321,
- "price": 1014,
- "convertedPrice": 28322,
- "currencyCode": 933,
- "convertedCurrencyCode": 643,
- "cargoType": 1,
- "isZeroOrder": false
Returns orders information without current status.
It is possible to export data for a specific period, maximum 30 calendar days
limit required | integer [ 1 .. 1000 ] Pagination parameter. Sets the limit for the amount of data returned. |
next required | integer <int64> Pagination parameter. Sets the value from which to retrieve the next batch. It should start at 0 to get the full list of data. For the subsequent requests, you must take the value from the |
dateFrom | integer Period start date in Unix timestamp format. By default date is 30 days before the request |
dateTo | integer Period end date in Unix timestamp format |
next | integer <int64> (Next) Pagination parameter. Sets the value from which to retrieve the next batch |
Array of objects (Order) |
{- "next": 13833711,
- "orders": [
- {
- "address": {
- "fullAddress": "Chelyabinsk Region, Chelyabinsk, 51st Arabkir Street, Building 10A, Apartment 42",
- "province": "Chelyabinsk Region",
- "area": "Chelyabinsk",
- "city": "City",
- "street": "51st Arabkir Street",
- "home": "10А",
- "flat": "42",
- "entrance": "3",
- "longitude": 44.519068,
- "latitude": 40.20192
}, - "scanPrice": 1500,
- "deliveryType": "dbs",
- "supplyId": "WB-GI-92937123",
- "orderUid": "165918930_629fbc924b984618a44354475ca58675",
- "article": "one-ring-7548",
- "colorCode": "RAL 3017",
- "rid": "f884001e44e511edb8780242ac120002",
- "createdAt": "2022-05-04T07:56:29Z",
- "offices": [
- "Kaluga"
], - "skus": [
- "6665956397512"
], - "id": 13833711,
- "warehouseId": 658434,
- "nmId": 12345678,
- "chrtId": 987654321,
- "price": 1014,
- "convertedPrice": 28322,
- "currencyCode": 933,
- "convertedCurrencyCode": 643,
- "cargoType": 1,
- "comment": "Упакуйте в плёнку, пожалуйста",
- "isZeroOrder": false
Returns the statuses of orders from the request.
supplierStatus is a status of an order. Its change is always triggered only by the supplier.
Possible values for this field are:
Status | Description | How to move an order to this status |
new | New order | |
confirm | Order on assembly | Moved automatically when the order is added to the supply PATCH /api/v3/supplies/{supplyId}/orders/{orderId} |
complete | Order assembled | Moved automatically when a supply with this order moved to the delivery PATCH /api/v3/supplies/{supplyId}/deliver |
cancel | Canceled by the supplier | PATCH /api/v3/orders/{orderId}/cancel |
cancel_missed_call | Order cancellation due to unreachable customer. For delivery by supplier (DBS) |
The status changes automatically |
wbStatus is a status of an order on the Wildberries side.
Possible values for this field are:
orders required | Array of integers <int64> [ 1 .. 1000 ] items [ items <int64 > ] Order IDs |
Array of objects |
{- "orders": [
- 5632423
{- "orders": [
- {
- "id": 5632423,
- "supplierStatus": "new",
- "wbStatus": "waiting"
Moves the order to cancel ("Canceled by the supplier") status.
orderId required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
{- "code": "IncorrectParameter",
- "message": "Incorrect parameter value"
The method allows to assign a Data Matrix code (Chestny ZNAK) to an assembly task. The assembly task cannot have more than 24 codes. You can add a code only for orders in the confirmed status.
The uploaded Data Matrix Codes can be retrieved using the GET method /api/v3/orders/{orderId}/meta
For more information about Data Matrix Codes please check:
orderId required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
sgtins | Array of strings [ 1 .. 24 ] items List of Data Matrix codes. |
{- "sgtins": [
- "1234567890123456"
{- "code": "IncorrectRequestBody",
- "message": "Incorrect request body"
Returns a list of stickers according to the requested orders.
You can request a sticker in svg
, zplv
(vertical), zplh
(horizontal) and png
Method limitations:
type required | string Enum: "svg" "zplv" "zplh" "png" Sticker format |
width required | integer Enum: 58 40 Sticker width |
height required | integer Enum: 40 30 Sticker height |
orders | Array of integers <int64> [ 1 .. 100 ] items [ items <int64 > ] Order IDs |
Array of objects |
{- "orders": [
- 5346346
{- "stickers": [
- {
- "orderId": 5346346,
- "partA": 231648,
- "partB": 9753,
- "barcode": "!uKEtQZVx",
- "file": "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"
Returns order metadata. Possible metadata is imei, uin, gtin, sgtin.
The method response returns the metadata available for the assembly job. Empty response means there is no metadata available for the order.
orderId required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
object (Meta) Order metadata |
{- "meta": {
- "imei": 123456789012345,
- "uin": 1234567890123456,
- "gtin": 1234567890123,
- "sgtin": 1234567890123456
Removes all order metadata values for the passed key. Possible metadata is imei, uin, gtin, sgtin.
orderId required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
key | string Name of the metadata to remove (imei, uin, gtin) |
{- "code": "IncorrectRequest",
- "message": "Incorrect request parameters"
Sets the UIN for the order. The order can only have one UIN. You can add the code only for orders in the confirmed
orderId required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
uin required | string = 16 characters UIN |
{- "uin": "1234567890123456"
{- "code": "IncorrectRequestBody",
- "message": "Incorrect request body"
Sets the IMEI for the order. The order can have only one IMEI. You can add the code only for orders in the confirmed
orderId required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
imei required | string = 15 characters IMEI |
{- "imei": "123456789012345"
{- "code": "IncorrectRequestBody",
- "message": "Incorrect request body"
Sets the GTIN (Belarus product unique identifier) for the order. The order can only have one GTIN. You can add the code only for orders in the confirmed
orderId required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
gtin required | string = 13 characters GTIN |
{- "gtin": "1234567890123"
{- "code": "IncorrectRequestBody",
- "message": "Incorrect request body"
Returns a list of links to stickers that are required for cross-bordering.
Method limitations:
orders | Array of integers <int64> [ 1 .. 100 ] items [ items <int64 > ] Order IDs |
Array of objects |
{- "orders": [
- 5346346
Returns status history for cross-border orders
orders | Array of integers [ 1 .. 100 ] items Orders IDs |
Array of objects Orders |
{- "orders": [
- 123456789,
- 987654321
{- "orders": [
- {
- "deliveryDate": "string",
- "statuses": [
- {
- "date": null,
- "code": "SORTED"
], - "orderID": 123456789
The method allows getting information about the buyer by order ID.
Only for cross-border orders from Turkey
orders | Array of integers Orders list |
Array of objects (DbsClientInfo) Buyer information for dbs-order (Delivery by Seller ) |
{- "orders": [
- 987654321,
- 123456789
{- "orders": [
- {
- "firstName": "Иван",
- "fullName": "Иванов Иван Иванович",
- "orderID": 134567,
- "phone": 79871234567,
- "phoneCode": 1234567
1. Create a new supply using the POST method /api/v3/supplies. The response will include the identifier of the created supply in the format "WB-GI-1234567".
2. Add assembly tasks to the current new supply that you will take to the warehouse or pickup points using the PATCH method /api/v3/supplies/{supplyId}/orders/{orderId}. Please note that when adding assembly tasks to the supply, they will be set to the "confirm" status ("In assembly").
Note: Steps 3 - 8 are mandatory for deliveries to pickup points.
3. Create a box in the supply using the POST method /api/v3/supplies/{supplyId}/trbx.
4. Add orders to the box using the PATCH method /api/v3/supplies/{supplyId}/trbx/{trbxId}.
5. The list of boxes with orders can be obtained using the GET method /api/v3/supplies/{supplyId}/trbx.
6. Get box stickers using the POST method /api/v3/supplies/{supplyId}/trbx/stickers, print and attach the stickers to the boxes according to the distributed orders inside them.
7. You can delete boxes from the supply using the DELETE method /api/v3/supplies/{supplyId}/trbx. Please note that you can only delete boxes from the supply while it is in the assembly stage.
8. You can delete orders from the box using the DELETE method /api/v3/supplies/{supplyId}/trbx/{trbxId}/orders/{orderId}. Please note that you can only delete orders from the box while the supply is in the assembly stage.
9. After the supply is assembled with the necessary assembly tasks, you must transfer it for delivery using the PATCH method /api/v3/supplies/{supplyId}/deliver. If the supply wasn't handed over for delivery, than scanning its barcode or accepting the first product will automatically close the supply. Please note that when transferring assembly tasks for delivery, they will be automatically marked as complete ("In delivery").
10. The list of assembly tasks added to the supply can be obtained using the GET method /api/v3/supplies/{supplyId}/orders.
11. You can obtain all supplies available to the seller using the GET method /api/v3/supplies.
12. You can get the details of a specific supply using the GET method /api/v3/supplies/{supplyId}.
13. You can delete a supply using the DELETE method /api/v3/supplies/{supplyId}, provided that it is active and not associated with any assembly tasks.
14. The PATCH method /api/v3/supplies/{supplyId}/orders/{orderId} also allows you to move assembly tasks between active supplies. Please note that you cannot move an assembly task from a closed supply unless it requires re-shipping.
15. You can obtain the QR code of the supply using the GET method /api/v3/supplies/{supplyId}/barcode in svg, zpl, or png format. This is only available after the supply has been transferred for delivery.
Supplies limitations:
name | string [ 1 .. 128 ] characters Supply name |
id | string Supply ID |
{- "name": "Some test supply"
{- "id": "WB-GI-1234567"
Returns the supply list.
limit required | integer [ 1 .. 1000 ] Pagination parameter. Sets the limit for the amount of data returned. |
next required | integer <int64> Pagination parameter. Sets the value from which to retrieve the next batch. It should start at 0 to get the full list of data. For the subsequent requests, you must take the value from the |
next | integer <int64> (Next) Pagination parameter. Sets the value from which to retrieve the next batch |
Array of objects (Supply) |
{- "next": 13833711,
- "supplies": [
- {
- "id": "WB-GI-1234567",
- "done": true,
- "createdAt": "2022-05-04T07:56:29Z",
- "closedAt": "2022-05-04T07:56:29Z",
- "scanDt": "2022-05-04T07:56:29Z",
- "name": "My test supply",
- "cargoType": 0
Adds an order to a supply and moves it to confirm status.
It can also move the order between active supplies. Or from a closed to an active supply, if the order requires reshipment.
It is possible to add an assembly job of any dimensioned type to an empty delivery.
After adding the first task, the delivery acquires the dimensional type of this task, see the value of the cargo Type
field in the response of the "Get supply details" method.
After that, you can only add tasks to a delivery whose dimension type corresponds to that of the delivery.
supplyId required | string Example: WB-GI-1234567 Supply ID |
orderId required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
{- "code": "IncorrectParameter",
- "message": "Incorrect parameter value"
Returns supply details.
supplyId required | string Example: WB-GI-1234567 Supply ID |
id | string Supply ID |
done | boolean An indication that the supply is closed |
createdAt | string <date-time> Supply creation date (RFC3339) |
closedAt | string <date-time> Supply close date (RFC3339) |
scanDt | string <date-time> Supply scan date (RFC3339) |
name | string Supply name |
cargoType | integer Enum: 0 1 2 3
{- "id": "WB-GI-1234567",
- "done": true,
- "createdAt": "2022-05-04T07:56:29Z",
- "closedAt": "2022-05-04T07:56:29Z",
- "scanDt": "2022-05-04T07:56:29Z",
- "name": "My test supply",
- "cargoType": 0
Deleted the supply if it is active and does not contain any orders.
supplyId required | string Example: WB-GI-1234567 Supply ID |
{- "code": "IncorrectParameter",
- "message": "Incorrect parameter value"
Returns orders assigned to the supply.
supplyId required | string Example: WB-GI-1234567 Supply ID |
Array of objects (SupplyOrder) |
{- "orders": [
- {
- "scanPrice": null,
- "orderUid": "165918930_629fbc924b984618a44354475ca58675",
- "article": "one-ring-7548",
- "colorCode": "RAL 3017",
- "rid": "f884001e44e511edb8780242ac120002",
- "createdAt": "2022-05-04T07:56:29Z",
- "offices": [
- "Калуга"
], - "skus": [
- "6665956397512"
], - "id": 13833711,
- "warehouseId": 658434,
- "nmId": 123456789,
- "chrtId": 987654321,
- "price": 1014,
- "convertedPrice": 28322,
- "currencyCode": 933,
- "convertedCurrencyCode": 643,
- "cargoType": 1,
- "isZeroOrder": false
Closes the supply and moves all orders to complete (“In Delivery”) status. You cannot add any orders to the supply after it is closed.
If the supply wasn't handed over for delivery, than scanning its barcode or accepting the first product will automatically close the supply.
You can transfer the supply to delivery only if it contains at least one order and no empty boxes.
supplyId required | string Example: WB-GI-1234567 Supply ID |
{- "code": "IncorrectParameter",
- "message": "Incorrect parameter value"
Returns the QR code in svg, zplv (vertical), zplh (horizontal), png.
Available only after the supply has been transferred to the delivery.
Available dimensions:
supplyId required | string Example: WB-GI-1234567 Supply ID |
type required | string Enum: "svg" "zplv" "zplh" "png" Sticker format |
barcode | string The encoded value of the sticker (supply id) |
file | string <byte> Base64 encoded sticker file in the requested format. |
{- "barcode": "WB-GI-12345678",
- "file": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw=="
Returns supply boxes list with assigned orders.
supplyId required | string Example: WB-GI-1234567 Supply ID |
Array of objects (SupplyTrbx) |
{- "trbxes": [
- {
- "id": "WB-TRBX-1234567",
- "orders": [
- 1234567
Adds the required number of boxes to the supply. Available only while the supply is being assembled.
supplyId required | string Example: WB-GI-1234567 Supply ID |
amount required | integer [ 1 .. 1000 ] Boxes amount to add to the supply. |
trbxIds | Array of strings non-empty List of IDs of created boxes. |
{- "amount": 4
{- "trbxIds": [
- "WB-TRBX-1234567"
Removes orders from the listed delivery boxes and deletes the boxes. Available only while the supply is being assembled.
supplyId required | string Example: WB-GI-1234567 Supply ID |
trbxIds required | Array of strings List of box IDs to delete from the supply. |
{- "trbxIds": [
- "WB-TRBX-1234567"
{- "code": "IncorrectParameter",
- "message": "Incorrect parameter value"
Add orders to the supply box. Available only while the supply is being assembled.
supplyId required | string Example: WB-GI-1234567 Supply ID |
trbxId required | string Example: WB-TRBX-1234567 Box ID |
orderIds required | Array of integers List of orders to be added to the box. |
{- "orderIds": [
- 1234567
{- "code": "IncorrectParameter",
- "message": "Incorrect parameter value"
Deletes order from the supply box. Available only while the supply is being assembled.
supplyId required | string Example: WB-GI-1234567 Supply ID |
trbxId required | string Example: WB-TRBX-1234567 Box ID |
orderId required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
{- "code": "IncorrectParameter",
- "message": "Incorrect parameter value"
Returns QR-code stickers in svg, zplv (vertical), zplh (horizontal), png.
Available only if there are orders in the box.
supplyId required | string Example: WB-GI-1234567 Supply ID |
type required | string Enum: "svg" "zplv" "zplh" "png" Sticker format |
trbxIds required | Array of strings List of supply box IDs for the sticker generation |
Array of objects (TrbxStickers) non-empty |
{- "trbxIds": [
- "WB-TRBX-1234567"
{- "stickers": [
- {
- "barcode": "$WBMP:1:123:1234567",
- "file": "U3dhZ2dlciByb2Nrcw=="
Updates the supplier's stocks.
The names of the query parameters are not validated. If invalid names are sent, the response will be successful(204), but the remaining amounts will not be updated.
Check the data carefully before submitting it.
warehouseId required | integer <int64> Example: 2 The supplier's warehouse ID |
required | Array of objects [ 1 .. 1000 ] items SKU array |
{- "stocks": [
- {
- "sku": "SkuTest123",
- "amount": 10
{- "code": "IncorrectRequestBody",
- "message": "Incorrect request body"
Deletes the supplier's stocks. Caution! This action is irreversible. Deleted stock will require re-uploading to continue sales.
warehouseId required | integer <int64> Example: 2 The supplier's warehouse ID |
skus | Array of strings [ 1 .. 1000 ] items SKUs array |
{- "skus": [
- "SkuTest123"
{- "code": "IncorrectRequestBody",
- "message": "Incorrect request body"
Returns the supplier's stocks.
warehouseId required | integer <int64> Example: 2 The supplier's warehouse ID |
skus | Array of strings [ 1 .. 1000 ] items SKUs array |
Array of objects |
{- "skus": [
- "SkuTest123"
{- "stocks": [
- {
- "sku": "SkuTest123",
- "amount": 10
Returns a list of all offices to link to supplier warehouse.
address | string Address |
name | string Name |
city | string City |
id | integer <int64> ID |
longitude | number <float64> Longitude |
latitude | number <float64> Latitude |
cargoType | integer Enum: 1 2 3
deliveryType | integer Enum: 1 2 3
selected | boolean The flag indicating that the office has already been selected by the supplier |
[- {
- "address": "Kosmonavtov 10А",
- "name": "Koledino",
- "city": "Vyborg",
- "id": 15,
- "longitude": 55.386871,
- "latitude": 37.588898,
- "cargoType": 1,
- "deliveryType": 1,
- "selected": true
Returns a list of all supplier's warehouses.
name | string Name |
officeId | integer <int64> Office ID |
id | integer <int64> ID |
cargoType | integer Enum: 1 2 3
deliveryType | integer Enum: 1 2 3
[- {
- "name": "Kosmonavtov 14",
- "officeId": 15,
- "id": 1,
- "cargoType": 1,
- "deliveryType": 1
Creates a supplier's warehouse. You cannot link an office that is already in use.
name required | string [ 1 .. 200 ] characters Supplier's warehouse name |
officeId required | integer >= 1 Office ID |
id | integer Warehouse ID |
{- "name": "Koledino 2",
- "officeId": 15
{- "id": 2
Updates the supplier's warehouse details. Changing the linked office is allowed once per day. You cannot link an office that is already in use.
warehouseId required | integer <int64> Example: 2 The supplier's warehouse ID |
name required | string [ 1 .. 200 ] characters Supplier's warehouse name |
officeId required | integer >= 1 Office ID |
{- "name": "Koledino",
- "officeId": 15
{- "code": "IncorrectRequestBody",
- "message": "Incorrect request body"
Deletes the supplier's warehouse.
warehouseId required | integer <int64> Example: 2 The supplier's warehouse ID |
{- "title": "unauthorized",
- "detail": "token problem; token is malformed: could not base64 decode signature: illegal base64 data at input byte 84",
- "code": "07e4668e--a53a3d31f8b0-[UK-oWaVDUqNrKG]; 03bce=277; 84bd353bf-75",
- "requestId": "7b80742415072fe8b6b7f7761f1d1211",
- "origin": "s2s-api-auth-catalog",
- "status": 401,
- "statusText": "Unauthorized",
- "timestamp": "2024-09-30T06:52:38Z"
Returns a list of offices that require a pass.
name | string Name |
address | string Address |
id | integer <int64> ID |
[- {
- "name": "Koledino",
- "address": "Kosmonavtov 10А",
- "id": 1
Returns a list of all supplier's passes.
firstName | string First name |
dateEnd | string Pass expiration date |
lastName | string Last name |
carModel | string Car model |
carNumber | string Car number |
officeName | string Office name |
officeAddress | string Office address |
officeId | integer <int64> Office ID |
id | integer <int64> ID |
[- {
- "firstName": "Alex",
- "dateEnd": "2022-07-31 17:53:13+00:00",
- "lastName": "Petrov",
- "carModel": "Lamborghini",
- "carNumber": "A456BC123",
- "officeName": "Koledino",
- "officeAddress": "Kosmonavtov 10А",
- "officeId": 15,
- "id": 1
Creates a supplier pass.
The pass is valid for 48 hours from the time of creation. The method is limited to one call per 10 minutes.
The total length of the full name is limited from 6 to 100 characters. The car number can contain only letters and numbers.
firstName required | string non-empty First name |
lastName required | string non-empty Last name |
carModel required | string [ 1 .. 100 ] characters Car model |
carNumber required | string [ 6 .. 9 ] characters Car number |
officeId required | integer <int64> >= 1 Office ID |
id | integer Pass ID |
{- "firstName": "Alex",
- "lastName": "Petrov",
- "carModel": "Lamborghini",
- "carNumber": "A456BC123",
- "officeId": 15
{- "id": 2
Updates the supplier's pass details.
passId required | integer <int64> Example: 45 Pass ID |
The total length of the full name is limited from 6 to 100 characters. The car number can contain only letters and numbers.
firstName required | string non-empty First name |
lastName required | string non-empty Last name |
carModel required | string [ 1 .. 100 ] characters Car model |
carNumber required | string [ 6 .. 9 ] characters Car number |
officeId required | integer <int64> >= 1 Office ID |
{- "firstName": "Alex",
- "lastName": "Petrov",
- "carModel": "Lamborghini",
- "carNumber": "A456BC123",
- "officeId": 15
{- "code": "IncorrectRequestBody",
- "message": "Incorrect request body"
Deletes the supplier's pass.
passId required | integer <int64> Example: 45 Pass ID |
{- "title": "unauthorized",
- "detail": "token problem; token is malformed: could not base64 decode signature: illegal base64 data at input byte 84",
- "code": "07e4668e--a53a3d31f8b0-[UK-oWaVDUqNrKG]; 03bce=277; 84bd353bf-75",
- "requestId": "7b80742415072fe8b6b7f7761f1d1211",
- "origin": "s2s-api-auth-catalog",
- "status": 401,
- "statusText": "Unauthorized",
- "timestamp": "2024-09-30T06:52:38Z"
How to work:
"deliveryType": "wbgo"
. If declined, it sets to reject
Transfers the order to the status confirm ("On assembly")
order required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
{- "code": "IncorrectParameter",
- "message": "Incorrect parameter value"
Transfers order to the status complete
— in delivery
orderId required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
{- "code": "IncorrectParameter",
- "message": "Incorrect parameter value"
Returns a list of contacts linked to the seller's warehouse
warehouseId required | integer <int64> Example: 2 The supplier's warehouse ID |
Array of objects |
[- {
- "contacts": [
- {
- "comment": "Иванов Иван Иванович. Звонить с 10 до 21 часа.",
- "phone": "+79998887766"
Updates the seller's warehouse contact list.
Only for warehouses with delivery type 3
— WB courier.
A maximum of 5 contacts can be added to the warehouse.
To delete contacts, send an empty contacts
warehouseId required | integer <int64> Example: 2 The supplier's warehouse ID |
Array of objects <= 5 items |
{- "contacts": [
- {
- "comment": "Иванов Иван Иванович. Звонить с 10 до 21 часа.",
- "phone": "+79998887766"
{- "code": "IncorrectParameter",
- "message": "Incorrect parameter value"
How to work:
Returns a list of all new orders for the seller at the moment
Array of objects (OrderNewDBS) New orders list |
{- "orders": [
- {
- "address": {
- "fullAddress": "Chelyabinsk Region, Chelyabinsk, 51st Arabkir Street, Building 10A, Apartment 42",
- "longitude": 44.519068,
- "latitude": 40.20192
}, - "ddate": "17.05.2024",
- "salePrice": 504600,
- "dTimeFrom": "15:00",
- "dTimeTo": "16:00",
- "requiredMeta": [
- "uin"
], - "deliveryType": "dbs",
- "comment": "Упакуйте в плёнку, пожалуйста",
- "orderUid": "165918930_629fbc924b984618a44354475ca58675",
- "article": "one-ring-7548",
- "colorCode": "RAL 3017",
- "rid": "f884001e44e511edb8780242ac120002",
- "createdAt": "2022-05-04T07:56:29Z",
- "skus": [
- "6665956397512"
], - "id": 13833711,
- "warehouseId": 658434,
- "nmId": 123456789,
- "chrtId": 987654321,
- "price": 1014,
- "convertedPrice": 28322,
- "currencyCode": 933,
- "convertedCurrencyCode": 643,
- "cargoType": 1,
- "isZeroOrder": false
Returns information on completed orders (either canceled or sold)
limit required | integer [ 1 .. 1000 ] Pagination parameter. Sets the limit for the amount of data returned. |
next required | integer <int64> Pagination parameter. Sets the value from which to retrieve the next batch. It should start at 0 to get the full list of data. For the subsequent requests, you must take the value from the |
dateFrom required | integer Period start date in Unix timestamp format |
dateTo required | integer Period end date in Unix timestamp format |
next | integer <int64> (Next) Pagination parameter. Sets the value from which to retrieve the next batch |
Array of objects (OrderDBS) |
{- "next": 13833711,
- "orders": [
- {
- "address": {
- "fullAddress": "Chelyabinsk Region, Chelyabinsk, 51st Arabkir Street, Building 10A, Apartment 42",
- "province": "Chelyabinsk Region",
- "area": "Chelyabinsk",
- "city": "City",
- "street": "51st Arabkir Street",
- "home": "10А",
- "flat": "42",
- "entrance": "3",
- "longitude": 44.519068,
- "latitude": 40.20192
}, - "deliveryType": "dbs",
- "orderUid": "165918930_629fbc924b984618a44354475ca58675",
- "article": "one-ring-7548",
- "colorCode": "RAL 3017",
- "rid": "f884001e44e511edb8780242ac120002",
- "createdAt": "2022-05-04T07:56:29Z",
- "skus": [
- "6665956397512"
], - "id": 13833711,
- "warehouseId": 658434,
- "nmId": 12345678,
- "chrtId": 987654321,
- "price": 1014,
- "convertedPrice": 28322,
- "currencyCode": 933,
- "convertedCurrencyCode": 643,
- "cargoType": 1,
- "comment": "Упакуйте в плёнку, пожалуйста",
- "isZeroOrder": false
The method allows getting information about the buyer by order ID
orders | Array of integers Orders list |
Array of objects (DbsClientInfo) Buyer information for dbs-order (Delivery by Seller ) |
{- "orders": [
- 987654321,
- 123456789
{- "orders": [
- {
- "firstName": "Иван",
- "fullName": "Иванов Иван Иванович",
- "orderID": 134567,
- "phone": 79871234567,
- "phoneCode": 1234567
Returns the statuses of orders based on the provided list of order IDs.
Possible values for this field are:
Status | Description | How to move an order to this status |
new | New order | |
confirm | Order on assembly | Transfer to assembly |
deliver | Order on delivery |
Transfer to delivery |
receive | Received by the buyer |
Notify that the order has been accepted by the buyer |
reject | Declined upon receipt |
Notify that the buyer has declined the order |
cancel | Canceled by the supplier | Cancel the order |
cancel_missed_call | Order cancellation due to unreachable customer |
The status changes automatically |
wbStatus is a status of an order on the Wildberries side.
Possible values for this field are:
orders required | Array of integers <int64> [ 1 .. 1000 ] items [ items <int64 > ] Orders IDs list |
Array of objects |
{- "orders": [
- 5632423
{- "orders": [
- {
- "id": 5632423,
- "supplierStatus": "new",
- "wbStatus": "waiting"
Moves the order to cancel ("Canceled by the supplier") status
orderId required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
{- "code": "IncorrectParameter",
- "message": "Incorrect parameter value"
Transfers the order to the status confirm ("On assembly")
order required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
{- "code": "IncorrectParameter",
- "message": "Incorrect parameter value"
Transfers the order to the status deliver ("In delivery")
order required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
{- "code": "IncorrectParameter",
- "message": "Incorrect parameter value"
Transfers the order to the status receive ("Received by the buyer")
order required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
code | string Confirmation Code. |
{- "code": "string"
{- "code": "IncorrectParameter",
- "message": "Incorrect parameter value"
Transfers to the status reject ("Declined upon receipt")
order required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
code | string Confirmation Code. |
{- "code": "string"
{- "code": "IncorrectParameter",
- "message": "Incorrect parameter value"
Returns order metadata. Possible metadata is imei, uin, gtin, sgtin.
The method response returns the metadata available for the assembly job. Empty response means there is no metadata available for the order
orderId required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
object (Meta) Order metadata |
{- "meta": {
- "imei": 123456789012345,
- "uin": 1234567890123456,
- "gtin": 1234567890123,
- "sgtin": 1234567890123456
Removes all order metadata values for the passed key. Possible metadata is imei, uin, gtin, sgtin
orderId required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
key | string Name of metadata to delete (imei, uin, gtin, sgtin). Only one value is passed. |
{- "code": "IncorrectRequest",
- "message": "Incorrect request parameters"
This method allows you to assign a Data Matrix code (Chestny ZNAK marking) to an order.
The assignment of a Data Matrix code to an order is only possible if this field is returned in the response of the Get order metadata method and the order is in the confirm
You can retrieve the uploaded Data Matrix code using the Get order metadata method.
For more information about Data Matrix Codes please check:
orderId required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
sgtins | Array of strings [ 1 .. 24 ] items List of Data Matrix codes.From 16 to 135 characters for one label. |
{- "sgtins": [
- "1234567890123456"
{- "code": "IncorrectRequestBody",
- "message": "Incorrect request body"
Sets the UIN for the order. The order can only have one UIN. You can add the code only for orders in the confirmed
status and that are delivered by Wildberries
orderId required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
uin required | string = 16 characters UIN |
{- "uin": "1234567890123456"
{- "code": "IncorrectRequestBody",
- "message": "Incorrect request body"
Sets the IMEI for the order. The order can have only one IMEI. You can add the code only for orders in the confirmed
status and that are delivered by Wildberries
orderId required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
imei required | string = 15 characters IMEI |
{- "imei": "123456789012345"
{- "code": "IncorrectRequestBody",
- "message": "Incorrect request body"
Sets the GTIN (Belarus product unique identifier) for the order. The order can only have one GTIN. You can add the code only for orders in the confirmed
status and that are delivered by Wildberries
orderId required | integer <int64> Example: 5632423 Order ID |
gtin required | string = 13 characters GTIN |
{- "gtin": "1234567890123"
{- "code": "IncorrectRequestBody",
- "message": "Incorrect request body"