Queries limits:
It is not allowed to use the Content API as an external database. If you exceed the requests limits, access to the API will be restricted.
Creating a card is asynchronous, after sending the request is put in a queue for processing.
A product card is valid if at least one nomenclature has been created successfully.
Important. If there were errors during queue processing, the nomenclature is considered invalid.
How to create a card:
With one request you can create maximum 100 cards (imtID
) and 30 nomenclatures (nmID
) in each card. Maximum request size is 10 Mb.
The dimensions of the goods can only be specified in centimeters.
subjectID required | integer subcategory ID |
required | Array of objects Product variants, maximum 30 in one card. |
data | object or null |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error description |
object or string Any additional errors |
[- {
- "subjectID": 105,
- "variants": [
- {
- "vendorCode": "АртикулПродавца",
- "title": "Наименование товара",
- "description": "Описание товара",
- "brand": "Бренд",
- "dimensions": {
- "length": 55,
- "width": 40,
- "height": 15
}, - "characteristics": [
- {
- "id": 12,
- "value": [
- "Turkish flag"
}, - {
- "id": 25471,
- "value": 1200
}, - {
- "id": 14177449,
- "value": [
- "red"
], - "sizes": [
- {
- "techSize": "S",
- "wbSize": "42",
- "price": 5000,
- "skus": [
- "88005553535"
{- "data": null,
- "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": { }
Edits product cards. If you need some product data, get it using Nomenclature list method.
You can not edit or delete barcodes but you can add new ones. You have not to send photos
, video
and tags
and can not edit them.
If this method response is Success (200) but product card was not updated, check errors using List of failed nomenclature with errors method. Correct the request and try again.
With one request you can edit maximum 3000 nomenclatures (nmID
). Maximum request size is 10 Mb.
The dimensions of the goods can only be specified in centimeters.
nmID required | integer WB article |
vendorCode required | string Supplier's article |
brand | string Brand |
title | string Product title |
description | string Product description. The maximum number of characters depends on the product category. Standard - 2000, minimum - 1000, maximum - 5000. |
object Product dimensions in centimeters | |
Array of objects Product characteristics | |
required | Array of objects Product sizes. |
data | object or null |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error description |
object or string Any additional errors |
[- {
- "nmID": 11111111,
- "vendorCode": "wbiz72wmro",
- "brand": "",
- "title": "Свитер женский оверсайз с горлом",
- "description": "12345",
- "dimensions": {
- "length": 0,
- "width": 0,
- "height": 0
}, - "characteristics": [
- {
- "id": 14177450,
- "value": [
- "хлопок 50% акрил 50%"
}, - {
- "id": 50,
- "value": [
- "свободный крой"
], - "sizes": [
- {
- "chrtID": 12345678,
- "techSize": "ONE SIZE",
- "wbSize": "78-90",
- "skus": [
- "123487653460134"
{- "data": null,
- "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": { }
Adds new nomenclature to the product card.
Adding nomenclature is asynchronous, after sending the request is put in a queue for processing.
Important. If the adding request passed but the nomenclature was not created, check errors using List of failed nomenclature with errors method. If the nomenclature is listed there, you should correct the reported errors in the adding nomenclature request and resend it.
Maximum request size is 10 Mb.
The dimensions of the goods can only be specified in centimeters.
imtID | integer
Array of objects Nomenclature |
data | object or null |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error description |
object or string Any additional errors |
{- "imtID": 987654321,
- "cardsToAdd": [
- {
- "vendorCode": "myVariant1",
- "title": "Product title",
- "description": "Описание товара",
- "brand": "Бренд",
- "dimensions": {
- "length": 55,
- "width": 40,
- "height": 15
}, - "characteristics": [
- {
- "id": 12,
- "value": [
- "Russian flag"
}, - {
- "id": 25471,
- "value": 1300
}, - {
- "id": 14177449,
- "value": [
- "blue"
], - "sizes": [
- {
- "skus": [
- "12345678"
}, - {
- "vendorCode": "myVariant2",
- "title": "Product title",
- "description": "Описание товаров",
- "brand": "Бренд",
- "dimensions": {
- "length": 55,
- "width": 40,
- "height": 15
}, - "characteristics": [
- {
- "id": 12,
- "value": [
- "Russian flag"
}, - {
- "id": 25471,
- "value": 1300
}, - {
- "id": 14177449,
- "value": [
- "blue"
], - "sizes": [
- {
- "skus": [
- "222222222222"
{- "data": null,
- "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": { }
Merges nomenclatures (nmID
) in same product card (imtID
) or separate them.
To merge nomenclatures, the request with a list of nomenclatures has to be sent with the targetIMT
parameter specified in the body of the request.
In this case, all nomenclatures will be merged under the imtID
specified in the targetIMT
To separate the nomenclature from the product card, it is necessary to pass this nomenclature without the targetIMT
parameter in the request body.
This creates a new imtID
for the transferred nomenclature.
If several nomenclatures are passed in the separating request, they will all be automatically merged under one new imtID
To assign a unique imtID
to each nomenclature, it is necessary to send one nomenclature per query.
For nomenclatures that are not transferred in the request, no changes will be made.
Maximum request size is 10 Mb.
Important. It is possible to merge nomenclatures containing only the same items.
Important. One product card (inside one imtID
) cannot contain more than 30 nomenclatures (nmID
targetIMT required | integer Seller's existing |
nmIDs required | Array of integers
data | object or null |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error description |
object or string Any additional errors |
{- "targetIMT": 123,
- "nmIDs": [
- 837459235,
- 828572090
{- "data": null,
- "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": { }
Generates array of unique barcodes to create size of nomenclature in product card.
count | integer Number of barcodes to be generated, maximum 5,000 |
data | Array of strings An array of generated barcodes |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error description. |
additionalErrors | string Any additional errors |
{- "count": 100
{- "data": [
- "5032781145187"
], - "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": ""
Method provides list of created nomenclatures with different filters, pagination and sorting.
This method is available by token with the option Promotion
Important. Nomenclatures in the trash, will not issue in the response of method.
You can get such nomenclatures using by method "List of nomenclatures that are in the trash"
How to work with cursor/list
To get full list of nomenclatures, if their number exceed 100, user need to use pagination.
{ "settings": {
"cursor": { "limit": 100 }, "filter": { "withPhoto": -1 } } }
and sort.
"sort": { "sortColumn": "", "ascending": false }
field response:
"updatedAt": "***",
"nmID": ***,
will be less than limit
in response.
locale | string Example: locale=ru Language of |
object Settings |
Array of objects Product cards | |
object Pagination |
{- "settings": {
- "sort": {
- "ascending": false
}, - "filter": {
- "textSearch": "",
- "allowedCategoriesOnly": true,
- "tagIDs": [ ],
- "objectIDs": [ ],
- "brands": [ ],
- "imtID": 0,
- "withPhoto": -1
}, - "cursor": {
- "updatedAt": "",
- "nmID": 0,
- "limit": 11
{- "cards": [
- {
- "nmID": 12345678,
- "imtID": 123654789,
- "nmUUID": "01bda0b1-5c0b-736c-b2be-d0a6543e9be",
- "subjectID": 7771,
- "subjectName": "AKF системы",
- "vendorCode": "wb7f6mumjr1",
- "brand": "",
- "title": "",
- "description": "",
- "photos": [
- {
], - "dimensions": {
- "length": 0,
- "width": 0,
- "height": 0,
- "isValid": false
}, - "characteristics": [
- {
- "id": 14177449,
- "name": "Цвет",
- "value": [
- "красно-сиреневый"
], - "sizes": [
- {
- "chrtID": 316399238,
- "techSize": "0",
- "skus": [
- "987456321654"
], - "tags": [
- {
- "id": 592569,
- "name": "Популярный",
- "color": "D1CFD7"
], - "createdAt": "2023-12-06T11:17:00.96577Z",
- "updatedAt": "2023-12-06T11:17:00.96577Z"
], - "cursor": {
- "updatedAt": "2023-12-06T11:17:00.96577Z",
- "nmID": 123654123,
- "total": 1
Method allows to get list of nomenclature's and list of errors happened during creation of product card. Warning
: to delete nomenclature from failed you need to repeat request with corrected errors of creation product card.
locale | string Example: locale=en Language of multi-lang parameters |
Array of objects | |
error | boolean Error flag. |
errorText | string Error description. |
additionalErrors | string or null Any additional errors. |
{- "data": [
- {
- "object": "Блузки",
- "objectID": 1234,
- "vendorCode": "6000000001",
- "updateAt": "2022-06-15T14:37:13Z",
- "errors": [
- "Поля Рос. размер, Размер обязательны для заполнения"
], - "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": null
The method allows to get separately free and paid vendor limits for creating product cards.
To calculate the number of cards that can be created, use the formula: (freeLimits + paidLimits) - Number of cards created.
All cards that can be obtained using the "Nomenclature list" and "List of nomenclatures that are in the trash" methods are considered created.
object | |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error description |
additionalErrors | string or null Additional errors |
{- "data": {
- "freeLimits": 1500,
- "paidLimits": 10
}, - "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": null
Method provides list of all parent categories of products.
locale | string Example: locale=en Product name language (ru, en, zh) |
Array of objects | |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error description |
additionalErrors | string Additional errors |
{- "data": [
- {
- "name": "Электроника",
- "id": 479,
- "isVisible": true
], - "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": ""
Using this method, you can get a list of product categories by a text filter (category name).
To get a list of all categories, you need to specify “top” parameter bigger than available quantity of categories (eg top=8000
As of 03/27/2023
, there are 7440
categories in the list. The number of available categories may change.
name | string Example: name=Socks Search by product name (any supported language) |
limit | integer Example: limit=1000 Number of search results, maximum 1,000 |
locale | string Example: locale=en Response language (ru, en, zh) |
offset | integer Example: offset=5000 How many results to skip |
parentID | integer Example: parentID=1000 Parent category ID |
Array of objects Categories and subcategories | |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error text |
additionalErrors | string Additional errors |
{- "data": [
- {
- "subjectID": 2560,
- "parentID": 479,
- "subjectName": "3D очки",
- "parentName": "Электроника"
}, - {
- "subjectID": 1152,
- "parentID": 858,
- "subjectName": "3D-принтеры",
- "parentName": "Оргтехника"
], - "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": null
Returns list of the subject characteristics by its ID
subjectId required | integer Example: 105 Subcategory ID |
locale | string Example: locale=en Language of |
Array of objects | |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error description |
additionalErrors | string Additional errors |
{- "data": [
- {
- "subjectName": "Носки",
- "name": "Глубина упаковки",
- "required": false,
- "unitName": "см",
- "maxCount": 0,
- "popular": false,
- "charcType": 4
], - "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": ""
Provides values of color characteristic.
locale | string Example: locale=en Language of |
Array of objects | |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error description |
additionalErrors | string Additional errors |
{- "data": [
- {
- "name": "персиковый мелок",
- "parentName": "оранжевый"
], - "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": ""
Provides values of sex characteristic.
locale | string Example: locale=en Language of |
data | Array of strings List of values for sex characteristic. |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error description |
additionalErrors | string Additional errors |
{- "data": [
- "Мужской"
], - "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": ""
Provides value of characteristic country of origin.
locale | string Example: locale=en Language of |
Array of objects | |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error description |
additionalErrors | string Additional errors |
{- "data": [
- {
- "name": "Афганистан",
- "fullName": "Исламский Эмират Афганистан"
], - "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": ""
Provide values of season characteristic.
locale | string Example: locale=en Language of |
data | Array of strings Array of values for season characteristic. |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error description |
additionalErrors | string Additional errors |
{- "data": [
- "демисезон"
], - "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": ""
Method provides list of HS codes by category name and filter by HS code.
subjectID required | integer Example: subjectID=105 Subject ID |
search | integer Example: search=6106903000 Search by HS code. Works only with the subjectID parameter |
locale | string Example: locale=en Language ( |
Array of objects Data | |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error description |
additionalErrors | string Additional errors |
{- "data": [
- {
- "tnved": "6106903000",
- "isKiz": true
], - "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": null
Using this method, you can obtain a list of values for the VAT rate characteristic
locale required | string Example: locale=ru Language of the |
data | Array of strings |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error text |
additionalErrors | string Additional errors |
{- "data": [
- "0",
- "10",
- "20",
- "Без НДС",
- "13"
], - "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": null
Edits product (nomenclature) media files.
Attention. New media files (data
) replace old ones (mediaFiles
). To add new files, set links both to new and old files.
Requirements to images:
Requirements video:
If one or several images do not meet the requirements, no images will be uploaded even if you have the success response (200).
nmId | integer Wildberries article |
data | Array of strings Links to images in the order that they are on the card |
data | object |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error description |
additionalErrors | object Additional errors |
{- "nmId": 213864079,
{- "data": { },
- "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": null
Adds one media file for the product (nomenclature).
Requirements to images:
Requirements video:
X-Nm-Id required | string Example: 213864079 Wildberries article |
X-Photo-Number required | integer Example: 2 Number of media file, starting from To add the image to the uploaded ones, set file the number more then number of uploaded files. |
uploadfile | string <binary> |
data | object |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error description |
additionalErrors | object Additional errors |
{- "data": { },
- "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": null
Service for operating with the tags of product cards. Tags are designed to quickly find a product card in your user panel.
The method allows you to create a tag.
It is possible to create 15 tags.
The maximum length of a tag is 15 characters.
color | string Tag color.
name | string Tag name |
data | object or null |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error description |
additionalErrors | string or null Additional errors |
{- "color": "D1CFD7",
- "name": "Sale"
{- "data": null,
- "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": null
The method allows to change the information about the tag (name and color).
id required | integer Example: 1 Numeric tag identifier |
color | string Tag color |
name | string Tag name |
data | object or null |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error description |
additionalErrors | string or null Additional errors |
{- "color": "D1CFD7",
- "name": "Sale"
{- "data": null,
- "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": null
The method allows to remove the tag.
id required | integer Example: 1 Numeric tag identifier |
data | object or null |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error description |
additionalErrors | string or null Additional errors |
{- "data": null,
- "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": null
The method allows to add tags to the product card and remove tags from the product card.
When removing a tag from a product card, the tag itself is not removed.
It is possible to add 15 tags to a product card.
nmID | integer WB article |
tagsIDs | Array of integers An array of numeric tag IDs. |
data | object or null |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error description |
additionalErrors | string or null Additional errors |
{- "nmID": 179891389,
- "tagsIDs": [
- 123456
{- "data": null,
- "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": null
Moves the nomenclature into trash for 30 days. After 30 days this nomenclature will be deleted
nmIDs | Array of integers Wildberries articles to delete, maximum 1,000 |
data | object or null |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error text |
additionalErrors | object Additional errors |
{- "nmIDs": [
- 987654321,
- 123456789
{- "data": null,
- "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": { }
Returns the nomenclature from trash IMPORTANT
: When restoring the nomenclature from the trash, its imtID
doesn't remain the same as it was for the item in the trash.
nmIDs | integer Wildberries articles, maximum 1,000 |
data | object or null |
error | boolean Error flag |
errorText | string Error text |
additionalErrors | object Additional errors |
{- "nmIDs": [
- 123456789,
- 987654321
{- "data": null,
- "error": false,
- "errorText": "",
- "additionalErrors": { }
Method provides list of nomenclatures in trash.
This method is available by token with the option Promotion
To get full list of nomenclatures, if their number exceed 100, user need to use pagination.
{ "settings": {
"cursor": { "limit": 100 } } }
field response:
"trashedAt": "***"
,"nmID": ***
request parameter, repeat the method request. total
will be less than limit
in response.
locale | string Enum: "ru" "en" "zh" Language of |
object Settings |
Array of objects The list of requested product cards | |
object |
{- "settings": {
- "sort": {
- "ascending": false
}, - "filter": {
- "textSearch": ""
}, - "cursor": {
- "limit": 11
{- "cards": [
- {
- "nmID": 1234567,
- "vendorCode": "wb5xsy5ftj",
- "subjectID": 1436,
- "subjectName": "Ведра хозяйственные",
- "photos": [
- {
], - "sizes": [
- {
- "chrtID": 111111111,
- "techSize": "0",
- "skus": [
- "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
], - "dimensions": {
- "length": 0,
- "width": 0,
- "height": 0,
- "isValid": false
}, - "createdAt": "2023-12-05T14:55:09.323462Z",
- "trashedAt": "2023-12-06T10:57:42.193028Z"
], - "cursor": {
- "trashedAt": "2023-12-06T10:57:42.193028Z",
- "nmID": 194128521,
- "total": 1